Welcome to the May Vessence Newsletter! I hope that you find it useful and informative, and please feel free to contact us with any questions, queries or comments.
Mothers Day Bliss
Firstly, Mothers Day is almost here but if you are in Perth or surrounds there is still plenty of time to get your order in and collect one of these luxurious self care pamper packs from head office.
May Specials not to be missed
And while you are adding these gorgeous pamper packs, take a look at these wonderful freebies for May! These are all products that I purchase regularly so what a great way to get almost $300 of my normal purchases FOR FREE! I just started using the Mirah Cleansing Oil and my word, the smell of Orchid while smoothing this over my skin at night is just pure bliss! I hope you take the opportunity to try it, along with some of these other beauties.
Special Business event and free ticket available
Tom "Big Al" Schreiter is coming to Perth! If you don't know who is, he knows the ins and outs of the Young Living business model and if you are looking at creating some extra income from your oiling habit, it would definitely be helpful for you to come listen to him on 23 May.
I bought a spare ticket, so if you would like to join me with a complimentary ticket, please email me with what you goal is for growing a Young Living income stream and I will choose a winner on Friday 10 May. If you want to come along anyway, below is the link for tickets:
Member Profile
Jan has been a member almost as long as I have and was one of my very first members. We both keep learning a lot and are thoroughly enjoying the Young Living Journey of personal development and wellness.

How and when did you discover Young Living Essential Oils?
I visited a women’s health seminar and discovered a Young Living information table at this event. I was only interested in a healthy toxic free home not interested in the oils because I didn’t want to use any oil that wasn’t pure. As a result of this mindset I did use any kind of oil.
However when I went to my first presentation and found about the seed to seal protocol used by D. Gary Young I was converted and I will only use Young Living Essential Oils and other products produced by this company.
How do you use them in your home and business?
I like to diffuse the essential oils for a refreshing calming home, car and holiday locations such as hotels, onsite cabins and any other accommodation.
I like to use the Thieves cleaning products to create my healthy home and garden and my oral care.
I would find it very difficult to be without my Young Living products.
What are some of the changes that you have seen in your life and those around you since using the vast range of quality products that come from Young Living?
I have a healthy home and a healthy family because I have converted to all the Young Living products including essential oils, Thieves products and the amazing supplements to support my family everyday health.
The whole family now experiences a happier and more confident facing any challenges in our lives. We all sleep better, breathe easier and feel stronger than ever
Young Living commitment to a healthy lifestyle fits in very well with how I think and like to live.
What is your vision for 2019?
To promote Young Living to anybody willing to stop and listen and share with them the Young Living lifestyle so others can experience similar amazing changes in their lives.
Thank You
Thanks to beautiful community that are sharing their love of the Young Living lifestyle with their friends and family. If you want any help in holding sharing experiences feel free to contact us. We have several themes to choose from.