Have you ever kept a Gratitude journal? How did it feel? Did you notice that you were suddenly kinder to those around you? Did you start noticing the little things that make life beautiful?
Every year I have such gratitude for Young Living lifestyle products to keep my household and body free of as many toxins as possible. I am grateful for Young Living’s Seed to Seal policy to ensure the essential oils that I use to create a harmonious and peaceful environment are the very best they can be. This year more than any other year.
It has been over 9 years with Young Living now and I look around at people I have known for this time and wish they had joined me on the Young Living journey much much sooner. I look at the way I used to act and react, the stress that I mishandled in the past and I know Young Living has played a huge part in this, among many other benefits.
Young Living is a habit that I am so grateful for creating.
Habits harden into character
I am on day 20 of a 30 Day Quest to create success habits, but guess what? The transformation to my life has been so profound that there is no way I am giving up any of these new habits! But some old destructive habits have been evicted to make room.
But even beyond the habits are the reasons for the habits. Conscious reasons to get you where you actually want to go instead. Yes, I am talking about goals. Would you like some support in setting and reaching them? I am launching a combined online mastermind to assist you to set and reach goals, instil new habits and strategies to stay on track.
Some of the benefits of these new strategies and tools that I am accessing:
Clarity on goals and “owning them”
Setting milestones towards those goals, with a reward when each milestone is achieved
Custom affirmation and visualisations to “own” the goals
Development of daily success habits
Having a wider community to tap into, learn from and share experiences as we all grow together
My highest objective is to support you through this system.
I am looking for others to join me in creating new success habits so I would love to hear from you to tell you more.
If I don’t hear from you before Christmas, I hope it is a peaceful and joyful time for you and your loved ones.
I will leave you with this quote from one of the many books that I have been reading:
Book: The Heart of Healing
Contributor: Sandra Ingerman
Article: The Once and Future Shaman
‘It is who we become that changes the world and our environment – not what we do. Harmony within will create harmony without. The true work is learning how to change our thoughts, attitudes, and belief systems. A change in our inner environment will be reflected in our outer world.”