Congratulations! You have made it into another year. What did you learn from 2021? What are you leaving behind? And what are you planting?
I would love to connect with you all more than I do. Newsletters are great for me to share information with you, but I really crave the conversation. So to start things off I am starting a facebook group, dedicated to all things Young Living. And only Young Living.
I have no doubt that there will be fascinating people that you will want to connect with, all diverse interests and perspectives. We will play nice and keep the page focused on Young Living. And if you want to connect with anyone to learn more about them that is awesome! You can connect and create something beautiful. I just ask that we keep the group posts focused on, as I said on Young Living.
How does that sound? I am going to keep this brief because you all are just easing into this fresh new year. If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me.
Here is the link for the new group:
There are some questions to answer before your membership is approved and we are open to hear what you would like to receive from the group, such as any particular topics or updates that you would like to receive.
Enjoy some quiet time before we plunge in to another exciting year full of possibilities.