July is my birthday month. Gary Young was also born in July. In fact his birthday is International Essential Oils Day, celebrated on 11 July.
I will be sharing the celebration with gifts for you for the month of July!
I will be announcing the gifts available and saving those gifts for you until the qualification is satisfied. I will be announcing a new gift at least once a week.
Why? Because I truly desire for you to experience what it is like to run your house on Young Living. You CAN get rid of toxic cleaners, household care and personal care items throughout your house. Even if you are already going low toxic in your home, does the company you buy from have complete transparency on what is in your products and where the ingredients come from? Young Living does, and it would mean so much to me if you give yourself the opportunity to experience this for yourself.
How to qualify
- Sign up with Essential Rewards and stay on Essential Rewards for three months with minimum order of 100PV per month. Young Living also automatically rewards members on Essential Rewards with a 5ml bottle of oil after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, so why wouldn’t you?
- If you are already a member but not on Essential Rewards, this is also open to you by signing up for Essential Rewards and placing a minimum order of 100PV per month for 3 months. You too will receive the 5ml essential oil direct from Young Living after 3 months, as well as my gift.
- If you are already on Essential Rewards and ordering a minimum of 100PV, why should you miss out?!?!?! If you up your order to 145PV per month for the next three months, you will receive the monthly Young Living special direct every month for ordering 145PV of product, and also receive our special gift at the end of the 3 months.
Please get in touch with me direct, and if your referral is another Vessence Young Living member you are still entitled to my special gift.
Let’s get the party started with this beauty as the first gift. Northern Lights Black Spruce.

Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil comes from Young Living’s new Northern Lights farm in British Columbia, Canada. Diffuse this rich, woodsy, and invigorating scent during meditation to create a fresh aromatic atmosphere. Add it to skin care products or apply topically to help improve the appearance of dry skin or to help maintain the appearance of healthy-looking skin. Northern Lights Black Spruce can also be applied anywhere, including to the bottoms of feet, along the spine, back of neck, or used for massage. This oil includes the naturally occurring constituents alpha-pinene, camphene, and beta-pinene, and is an important ingredient in many products, including Valor II™, Peace & Calming II™, Light the Fire™, and Shutran™ essential oil blends.

Ok, let’s get real and practical.
Are you tired of the hassle in the supermarkets?
Are you wanting an easier way to get your daily essentials?
Are you looking for some on-line safe pure and gentle products for the whole family to use?
Are you looking for products to be delivered to your doorstep, or delivered to the doors of parents to help them out?
Are you choosing to be safe at home, physical distancing and feel joy and happiness when your products arrive?
Are you needing baby wipes, toothpaste, hand purifier, foaming hand soap, moisturisers, shave cream, laundry detergent, dish washing liquid, fruit & veggie soak, or many other daily needs?
We may be able to help you!
We also receive a referral fee on purchases, as can you when your friends see the amazing results you get from running your house on Young Living.
Veronika’s other business is in accounting public practices. She has clients in a wide range of industries and business sizes and structures. Almost all of them are suffering now or will be with the flow on effect on economic shut down.
In the meantime, Young Living had it’s best March results ever. For some reason all of a sudden people that we have spoken to about Young Living products have finally decided that it is time to get on board with non toxic products for the home, delivered straight to the home.
Is it your turn yet? If so, please get in touch for me to help you out!

Hey there, Veronika here from Vessence, the very essence of vitality.
Everyone talks about living toxic free these days. It’s a great concept to aspire too. And there is a great big marketing machine behind it. Of course you know that. You don’t just read the spin, you read the labels and the ingredients of everything you buy.
Don’t you? I used to. Now I just buy from a reputable company that has been around for over 25 years in the US and 20 years in Australia. This company lives and breathes toxic free and has done since it started. And it just keeps growing.
And it’s not just a company that acts as a middle machine to get you products that other people make. I’s a company that owns the farms, owns the laboratories and the million dollar equipment to test the product. Not just testing once, testing at every stage of production to ensure that we get what we pay for.
And a company that rewards me for having them on my team for living a life of vitality and prosperity.
Get in touch if you want to know how I got these products this month for just over $600, not including what I also receive back from the company for sharing and referring. When you take that into consideration, I’m actually getting paid to use these products!
I could have spent over $1,100 to get these products, and happily would have spent that much. But this company generously rewards loyalty and I can show you how to get your products effectively half price too.
And why wouldn’t I share and refer? I tell people about great restaurants and get no reward. Why not get rewarded for sharing these products and helping my friends and family source the very best products available for every aspect of our modern life?
Admittedly, it was a big shop this month, to take advantage of some unbelievable specials, so I don’t need to spend this much every month, or even for several months now that I have stocked up on quality nutrient packed supplements, skin care, household and personal care and more.
Oh and did I mention these are all toxic chemical free? And sustainably sourced? Tested at every stage of production? How do I know? Because I can and have visited only a few of the many farms, laboratories and distilleries.
With a range that means my shopping at grocery stores, health stores, pharmacies and department stores is negligible. One stop shopping at Perth’s very own warehouse at its best.
So here is to a great start to 2020 for you and yours and let me know if you would like to find ways to make it all a little cleaner and easier and raise yourselves and your family to the next level in so many ways!!!
Best Regards
Would you like to meet some of your Vessence community? They are some of the most centred, caring and joyful people you could meet so I hope you can check out one of these events in the next few weeks.
Please note that there is no class this Sunday 28 July
Young Living Tools
Jan has kindly offered to show us this amazingly simple tool that Young Living has devised to help us share the beauty of Young Living products and the Young Living lifestyle as a whole.
Even if you just want to be able to get your products for free, these tools are an easy way to achieve that.
So if you would like to learn more, please join us on Sunday 4 August. Details in the Eventbrite link below.
This next Live Your Passion Rally at Happy Hearts Healing is going to be something special. Wait until you see what Lorna has planned! You can find more details by liking Lorna's facebook page:

Gratitude for Community
Thank you to those who make this such a wonderful community of Young Living lifestylers. The learning journey is so much fun shared with you all.
If you are not a member and are curious about what membership gives you please feel free to call, email or text me!
The classes continue during July, with this Sunday the 14th on a topic close to my heart, and it is on the product range that started my Young Living journey. Over the years the range has just become bigger and better so there is not much in the home that needs any other product to keep my home happy, healthy and CLEAN. Come and find out why this has become so important to my health and wellbeing, and how you may benefit too!
And more events to come
Classes will continue to run for at least the rest of July my home in our specially designated meditation/ Young Living room on Sundays from 4pm. If there is a particular topic you would like to explore let me know and the most popular class will be created! The events will be listed on the Vessence website, Facebook and through Eventbrite.
Save the Saturday afternoon 10 August to check out the Happy Hearts space for the Young Living Live your Passion Rally! Lorna Sullivan featured in a previous newsletter with her business and this will be a wonderful opportunity to connect with her, along with news and events, prizes, samples and refreshments.
My Favourite Product for the month

It’s a tough one to pin down but let’s just start at the beginning. The first oil that I use in the morning is Gratitude. I use a drop in my hand, gently rub my hands together and take slow, deep breaths while contemplating all that I have and all that I am to be grateful for. Then, I journal.
Young Living Essential Oil blends are developed for a purpose, not a profit, and usually with a particular person in mind! And named accordingly. It features a sublime blend for Frankincense (of course!), Coriander, Myrrh, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Vetiver and Geranium.
One regular note in my journal is gratitude for these beautiful products that uplift us and lift our game to assist in being the best that we can be.
Have you heard about the special range for babies and infants?
I don’t have babies, or human babies anyway. But I still have tried some of the gorgeous Seedlings range and the essential oils used have been very carefully selected and diluted to be best for your baby.
Here is a great podcast with lots of information on how to use Seedlings products and be sure that what you are using for your baby is as safe as can be.
Want to share the Young Living Experience?
There are some wonderful incentives to host your own class and I would LOVE to help you with that. All you need to do is pick a class theme and I will and book it in with me or another Vessence team member. You as the host may then be in the running for host gifts, host Prizes valued at over $400 and incentives for new members and enrollers direct from Young Living.
It’s fun, easy and interactive! Let me surprise you at just how easy and get in touch.
Member Profile

I met Linda on an Emmett course a few years back and she was keen on learning about the Thieves range. Since then Linda has continued learning some incredible modalities and included a lot more Young Living products to her life.
How and When did you discover Young Living Oils?
A couple of decades ago I had been using another brand of oils which, at the time, I thought were high quality. In fact, a few years ago and as a favour to a friend I went along to one of that same company’s promotional evenings but had to leave as the smell of the oils created a pounding headache. I couldn’t believe these were the same oils. They weren’t how I remembered them.
In 2015, I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils. I had an ‘ahhhhh’ moment from the second I opened the first bottle. Now this was high quality! I bought a starter kit and selfishly kept the products to myself. Fast forward to 2019 and I re-signed as a YLEO member and am proud to be a distributor. I can’t stop talking about, not only the benefits of the oils, but more importantly, the ‘Seed to Seal’ standard, how the product is ethically grown and what is given back to the growers and their land.
How do you use them in your home and business?
I diffuse constantly, particularly in my treatment room just before my clients arrive, and then when I go to bed. When I get home from work and open the door to my home the oils are the first thing I breathe in. It’s relieving as I’m usually tired when I get home from my day job but the clinic door is just opening so I need to be present for my clients. Sometimes I will just open a bottle of say Peppermint, inhale and I’m awake and in the moment.
What is your vision for 2019?
Well, we are now half way through the year, summer is on it’s way and more and more people are becoming aware of their health and wellbeing. My energy and bodywork clinic is growing and by adding the Young Living products as another choice to promote my clients wellbeing, I can see that it won’t be long before my clinic becomes my full time venture.